The FEI Strata 400 and 400S (STEM)DualBeam systems integrate ion and electron beams for FIB and SEM functionality in one machine. Users can switch between the two beams for quick and accurate navigation and milling. Convergence of the SEM and FIB at short working distance allows precision “slice-and-view” cross-sectioning and analysis at high resolution. The Sidewinder™ ion column provides fast, precise milling and high-resolution images of the sample surface. The Sirion™ electron column takes advantage of FEI’s most advanced Hexalens™ design for ultimate image resolution at low beam energies. It offers nondestructive imaging capability at a working distance optimized for ultrahigh resolution and can produce images magnified over 500 kX in mode 1 and > 2500 kX in Mode 2. The Strata 400chamber, stage, and wafer holder accommodate wafers up to 4", or other devices, in a high-vacuum environment. The high accuracy, five-axis stage provides computer control and automation of all axes. CAD-assisted navigation allows easy location of sample features using externally generated coordinates from device structures, defects, or other sites on the sample. FEI’s gas injection systems (GIS) use Enhanced Etch™ for fast material removal with minimal redeposition, as well as metal deposition and insulator deposition materials. The system was designed for:
Data storage applications
Process yield engineering
Metal and other materials deposition
Fabrication of micro- and nanostructures
貨物類號:FEI Strata 400